Sunday, July 12, 2020

During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Thanks to the lockdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic , I now know a new meaning for relaxing, resting, rethinking, regrouping, meditating, praying, lounging, getting refreshed, reevaluating, stretching ( mind and body) planning, growing, hoping and dreaming. I also have a new take on feeling gratitude for the big and little blessings.
Simultaneously, I was diagnosed with stage 1 breast cancer, a bit of news that made time stand still. Nevertheless, I did not succumb to hysterics nor self-pity. The news catapulted me into a planning period similar to that of a leading the military to a war zone. During this time, I mapped out the details of doctors’ appointments in four specialties: oncologist, surgeon, plastic surgeon and gynecologist; studies and labs , and a hundred plus details that needed to be addressed. This process helped me to remain calm under this medical crisis. It was a time of sheer energy and action.
To my Friends and Peeps : Stay on top of your game. Make a plan to address your medical status to prevent disease. According to medical statistics, 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Be proactive and engaged in keeping yourself safe. Make appointments to have your mammograms, sono-mammograms and PAP test done on a yearly basis. It will make a difference between being safe, or being diagnosed as a stage 1 to 4 cancer patient.
Update : 3/15/22
Today is the 2 year anniversary of being cancer-free. Thank you, Dr. Viviana Negron!

En los tiempos del COVID-19
Bajo la cuarentena causada por la pandemia del COVID-19, tengo una nueva perspectiva de lo que es : relajarse,descansar, re-pensar las cosas, reagruparse, meditar, rezar,planificar, estirarse ( la mente y el cuerpo), crecer, y soñar. También tengo una clara idea de lo que implica sentir gratitud por las pequeñas y grandes bendiciones.
Simultáneamente, se me diagnosticó cáncer de mama, noticia que paralizó el tiempo. Sin embargo, no senti nada de histeria ni de auto-compasión. La noticia me impulso a diseñar un plan de trabajo como para liderar un ejército. Esa planificación incluyo calendarizar las 10-12 citas medicas con 4 especialistas: el oncologo , el cirujano, el cirujano plástico y el ginecologo; los estudios, laboratorios y mil diligencias no dieron pie a que racionalizara la crisis medica. Solo fue un momento de pura energía y acción. Manten vigente las citas medicas para prevenir las enfermedades. Segun las estadisticas, 1 de cada 8 mujeres seran diagnosticadas con cancer del seno. Hazte las pruebas anulamente; se proactiva con tu salud. Eso hara la diferencia de tener un diagnostico de etapa 1 a etapa 4.
Posdata: Gracias a la Dra. Viviana Negron por las noticias de que hoy se cumple el 4to aniversario de estar libre de cancer !

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